Monday 15 August 2016

Writing a book

Writing a book

Why oh why did I think it would be a great idea to write a book? How did I even start? The answer is I haven't a clue!

I've always loved reading, in fact I cannot remember a time when I haven't had a book on the go. I read pretty much everything and as a child would lie prostrate on the carpet, flat on my belly with a book in front of my plate. Not a healthy way to eat, but it meant I didn't have to try and prop my book up whilst eating. The only time I didn't read was in the car as it made me (and still does) very car sick.

I've also always had a good imagination and have written lots of beginnings of books and short stories. Sometimes an idea just pops into my head and nags at me until I write it down somewhere. As I get older I have to write it down as I will forget. I go upstairs and forget what I went up there for so I'm not going to remember something I thought of in the morning driving to work 9 hours later when I settle down to write. I have pieces of paper everywhere, in my handbag, in pockets and I always carry a notepad with me.

People always respond with one of two comments when you tell them you're a writer. The first is "Oh I write," to which I answer "Do you? What do you write? Have you sent anything to any publishers?" They usually look at me blankly and say "No, I just know I have a book in me and it's not that hard to write stuff down." No it's not hard to write stuff down at all, the hard bit comes trying to keep a plot line going, having a timeline that flows in the right direction, building your characters into people that your reader wants to invest their time in, forming your insane ideas into some semblance of a book, editing what you've written - Milly Johnson likens this to "Killing your darlings" - and finally when you've finished all of that sending your unseen work to agents and publishers and trying to avoid the dreaded "Slush pile,"
The second comment is usually "Oh let me know when you get it published?" My response is "Definitely" however I know it won't be that simple. There are thousands of authors and writers out there who are all wanting their books to be published. I am up against not only the new writers, but the established authors who are on their second or third or some cases tenth book and who have a publisher, agent and an army of fans.

This is the reason that before I have even finished my book I have social media accounts and I monitor them as much as I can. You have to become a brand, a presence. We all know how fickle the public are and hard it is to get yourself noticed. Like I said there is not only many writers and authors out there, but also the new culture of celebrities now writing books. They don't just have have their autobiography out at Christmas now, but novels too!
I have a facebook page Mary's Writing Page and a Twitter account Mary Lewis Writer I also have a hashtag #marylewiswriter and an Instagram account where I post pictures of books, links to reviews and quotes.

On top of all this I still read and I also review books on my blog (you're reading my blog now!). I belong to Netgalley where I read advance copies of books in return for an honest review and I also review most books that I have read on my Kindle or have bought in physical form.

So the reason I became a writer? I suppose because I couldn't imagine not being a writer. I have a part time job, but on the days I'm not working and sometimes in my lunch break I write. I have a very supportive husband and son who understand that if I'm bent over an A4 pad or the laptop that I'm writing. My writing is not a hobby, I don't put myself through the stress of writing just for the fun of it, I want to be an author and I will keep writing until I am.

If you want to try creative writing for yourself check out your local Adult Education Centre. They often have brilliant classes running. Also visit your library where you can find loads of books on the subject.

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